Lighthouse Child and Adolescent Psychology offers a range of psychological assessments. Lighthouse’s experienced Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Neuropsychologist specialise in psychometric and neuropsychological assessment. Our psychologists perform developmental assessments, cognitive and educational assessments, neuropsychological assessments, ADHD assessments and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessments.
Psychological assessments can provide critical pieces of information for teachers, parents and psychologists to help identify your child’s strengths and areas of development. This important piece of the jigsaw allows for early intervention and a personalised learning and development plan.
Cognitive and educational assessments are used for clients between the age of 3 years old and 17 years old. There are a range of cognitive and educational testing packages that Lighthouse Psychology provide to help identify cognitive processing strengths and weaknesses, learning disorders, assessing for giftedness and intellectual ability.
Developmental assessments are used for clients aged between 12 months and 4 years old and they are designed to assess overall functioning of young children. They measure developmental areas, cognitive ability, language and comprehension and motor development skills. These assessments can determine school readiness and identify any areas for skill development.
Autism diagnostic assessments are used for the identification and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Currently there is no medical test for ASD so specialist psychologists and/or Paediatricians administer autism-specific behavioural evaluations and autism diagnostic interviews to determine diagnosis and areas of strength and difficulty. The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS 2) and Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised (ADI-R) are used at Lighthouse Psychology.
Assessments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) examine your child's ability to focus and maintain attention. These two skills are essential for learning but also for your child's cognitive development. Our assessment procedure involves clinical interviews and school observations, standardised questionnaires given to parents and teachers as well as comprehensive individual testing sessions for your child. An extensive report is written and a feedback session is included where you will learn how your child manages their attention and the implications this has for them in the classroom, in the playground and at home doing their homework.
The assessment process involves an initial parent interview to gather history. There is then the administration of standardised tests which can be over 2 or 3 sessions. The psychologist then spends considerable time analysing the output, formulating the results and producing the written report. Finally, there is a feedback session to discuss the results and recommendations which formulate a psychological, behavioural or educational plan for your child.